Presto Administration : Presto Server Configuration : Configure HTTP Response Header Forwarding
Configure HTTP Response Header Forwarding
This topic is valid for Presto 3.1 and above.
When mashable information sources or mashups are invoked in Presto, the Presto Server does not necessarily include any of the standard HTTP response headers from the mashable or mashup in its own response. The HTTP response whitelist property for the Presto Server defines those standard HTTP response headers from mashable or mashup responses that should automatically be included in Presto Server responses.
Unless HTTP response headers have been completely disabled (see below), all custom HTTP headers beginning with X- or x- are automatically forwarded from the mashable or mashup response.
Specific requests to invoke mashables may also override the default header forwarding setting using Presto Headers/Parameters.
You can add HTTP headers to the header whitelist. You can also completely disable all HTTP response headers.
To manage HTTP response headers
1. Click Admin Console in the Presto Hub main menu.
2. Expand the Platform Features section and click HTTP Processing.
3. To disable all HTTP response headers for mashables or mashups, clear the Include HTTP headers option.
4. Add the names of the standard headers that should be forwarded to the end of the Whitelist property in HTTP Response Processing.
Be sure to separate each header name with a comma. Do not remove any of the following headers that are included in the whitelist by default:
5. Click Save settings (in the HTTP Response Processing section).
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