Presto Administration : Presto Server Configuration : Support International Character Sets and Locales : Presto Repository Encoding and Timezone
Presto Repository Encoding and Timezone
Set the Repository Character Encoding
The character encoding for the Presto Repository is defined when you create the database that will host the repository. To support international character sets, this should be set to UTF-8, or for some databases UTF-16.
Because of known issues, artifact names and the IDs that are generated from these names are restricted to ASCII characters. The syntax and encoding names you must use are specific to each database. For more information, see:
*Documentation for your database
*And either:
*Move Presto and MashZone Repositories to Microsoft SQL Server
*Move the Presto and MashZone Repositories to MySQL
*Move the Presto and MashZone Repositories to Oracle
*Move the Presto and MashZone Repositories to PostGres
Set the Repository Timezone or Offset
The default timezone that is used to record timestamps such as the created date and time for an artifact is the timezone for the host of the Presto Repository. You can change the timezone used to save repository timestamps or set an offset so that repository timestamps are displayed in a different timezone:
*Force the timezone that the Presto Repository uses to match the timezone for the Presto Server. See Synchronize the Presto Repository and Presto Server Time Zones for instructions.
*Configure the display timezone in Presto Hub as an offset from UTC. Note that this does not affect the actual timezone recorded in the Presto Repository.
This offset is defined in the repositoryTimezoneOffset property in web-apps-home/presto/hub/config.js file. This property is undefined by default.
Edit this JSON property, setting the number of minutes as a UTC offset. For example, 300 sets this to Eastern Standard Time while -180 sets this to Arabic Standard Time.
Once the property is saved, restart the Presto Server.
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