Introducing Software AG Presto : Presto Add-Ons : Presto Add-On for Portals
Presto Add-On for Portals
The Presto Add-On for Portals is a portlet producer which you integrate with your portal application. This add-on simplifies the integration process between your portal application and Presto, allowing you to quickly add and work with Presto mashups and apps in your portal.
Integrating Presto mashups and apps into a portal environment provides several benefits:
*A simple, but powerful way to consume many common information sources in your portal, including web services, web feeds, relational databases or common business documents
*A simple, but powerful mashup capability to filter, combine and transform information to fit your unique needs
*A simple way to govern access to information provided by Presto mashups and apps
The Presto Add-On for Portals supports Java Portlet standards. This add-on can be hosted with your portal server or it can be hosted separately, if the portal server supports WSRP.
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