Introducing Software AG Presto : Presto Add-Ons : Presto Mobile
Presto Mobile
The Presto Mobile enables mobile features in Presto allowing users to easily create views and apps that are both desktop- and mobile-compatible.
This add-on also includes the Presto Mobile apps that are 'mobile editions' of the AppDepot. (See Presto Enterprise AppDepot for details.) Presto Mobile apps are free mobile apps users can download to mobile phones or tablets and easily and securely connect to any number of Presto Servers to find and work with mobile apps hosted in Presto.
Currently, Presto Mobile apps are only available for iOS phone or tablet devices. Users can download Presto Mobile from the Apple App Store.
In Presto Mobile, users can find apps that are mobile-compatible and that have been published to the AppDepot. Users can only open and work with mobile-compatible apps that they have permission to use. Users can add mobile apps to their favorites in Presto Mobile to quickly find apps they use frequently.
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