Mashables : Types of Mashable Information Sources : WSDL Web Services : Web Services Security (WSS) for WSDL Services : Built-in WSS Support for Policy Assertions and Tokens
Built-in WSS Support for Policy Assertions and Tokens
Presto support for policy assertions and tokens is based on OASIS standards for WSS. See for more information.
*OASIS Username Token Profile 1.0
*OASIS x509 Certificate Token Profile 1.0
*BEA Certificate Token Profile, which is based on the OASIS certificate profile. For more information, see and
*Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 UsernameOverTransport profile
For more information on WSE 3.0, see
*Presto Username Token Profile 1.0, an implementation of the OASIS Username Token Profile 1.0
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