Mashables : Types of Mashable Information Sources : WSDL Web Services : Security Policies and Configuration
Security Policies and Configuration
Presto supports Web Services Security (WSS) to define security constraints and policies for WSDL web services. See Web Services Security (WSS) for WSDL Services for more information.
For SOAP web services that do not use WSS, you can set up secure communications between Presto and the web service using these security profiles:
*Basic HTTP Authentication, for service invocation only
*NTLM Authentication, for both web service invocation and retrieval of the WSDL during service registering
*SSL, for both web service invocation and retrieval of the WSDL during service registering
Presto administrators can also add custom security mechanisms to handle specific information source security requirements. See Configure Secure Connections for Mashables for more information.
Presto administrators can also control the HTTP response headers for WSDL web services or timeouts for connections with WSDL web services.
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