Mashables : Types of Mashable Information Sources : REST Web Services
REST Web Services
GET-Based REST Web Services
POST-Based REST Web Services
REST, or representational state web services, are web services available via HTTP or HTTPS that use URLs or the body of POST requests to invoke service operations and pass input parameters. REST web services may use either the GET or POST operations in HTTP.
You can also register syndicated feeds (RSS or Atom) as REST web services.
Presto uses the following operation names for REST web services based on the request method of the service:
*getData: for GET requests.
*postData: for POST requests.
Like several other types of mashables, Presto supports secure communication with REST web services with these security profiles:
*Basic HTTP Authentication
*NTLM Authentication
Presto administrators can also add custom security mechanisms to handle specific information source security requirements. See Configure Secure Connections for Mashables for more information.
Presto administrators can also control the HTTP response headers for REST web services or timeouts for connections with REST web services.
You can also configure the HTTP request header for REST web services. See Configure HTTP Request Headers for more information.
For information on registering, see Register REST Web Services.
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