Mashables : Types of Mashable Information Sources : MashZone Feeds
MashZone Feeds
MashZone feeds are created in Software AG MashZone to retrieve data from a variety of sources and, like mashups, convert or transform that data. MashZone feeds can get data from many of the same types of sources as Presto mashables such as CSV files, Excel spreadsheets and relational databases.
For more information on the types of data sources you can use in MashZone feeds, see Data Sources in the MashZone documentation. MashZone feeds use the Integrated MashZone Server for Presto. Presto administrators must first Manage the Integrated Presto Server Connection before you can work with MashZone feeds.
Once this initial configuration is complete, Presto administrators and administrators for your existing MashZone Servers can export existing feeds from MashZone and import them into Presto.
Users can edit existing feeds, adding views and adding them to apps or workspace apps.
If Presto administrators have enabled this, users may also be able to create new MashZone feeds in the MashZone Feed Editor in Presto. See Create or Edit MashZone Feeds for instructions.
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