Known Limitations
The following XSLT features are not currently supported in stylesheets for the <xslt> statement:
Input parameters: you cannot pass input parameters to the XSLT stylesheet with the <xslt> statement.
A work-around to this is to add input parameters as nodes in the input document before-hand and access parameters using XPath.
Output methods: only the XML method is supported. HTML, XHTML, text or custom output formats are not supported.
Templates matching the root node: templates that match the root node only (<xsl:template match="/">) cause an error and stop further processing.
The work-around to this limitation is to add the name of the document root node to the match pattern or use a wildcard such as:
<xsl:template match="/document">
<xsl:template match="/*[1]">
File Access With the doc() Function: cannot access files through the file system with arbitrary paths or via URIs with the
file:/// protocol. XSLT styleshseets can access files:
With URIs using the
http:// protocol.
With file system paths if the file is located in the classpath.