Configure thresholds of the Grid component
You can define thresholds for numeric and text grid columns to display the status of a KPI. A coloured marker shows the threshold range in which a KPI value is located.
1. Create or open a dashboard in MashZone NextGen Dashboard. 2. Click an inserted Grid component. The relevant properties dialog is displayed.
3. Click the Assign Data icon. The Assign Data dialog will be displayed if data source columns have already been assigned. Otherwise the Edit Data Source dialog will be displayed.
4. In the Assign Data dialog click on an assigned numeric or text column in the Grid Columns box.
The Text and the Thresholds tabs are displayed.
5. Click on the Thresholds tab.
6. Click on Background to set KPI values and the grid background colors.
Here you can define a KPI value range for the thresholds and the corresponding colors of the grid cells background.
a. Click on a Color box to select a color for each threshold.
b. Select an operator for each threshold to define the KPI value range, e. g. < (less than).
The available operators are different for numeric (e.g.,< (less than) or = (equals to)) and text (e.g., starts with or is equal to).
c. Enter a value for each threshold.
You can either enter fix threshold values or you can choose columns from your data source representing dynamic threshold values. For dynamic threshold values only text data columns are allowed. Assign the required text data column from the data source to a threshold field via drag and drop.
d. Click on Plus button to add a threshold or click on Minus button to remove a threshold. e. Activate the Colorize row option to use the background coloring for all others cells in the row.
7. Click on Foreground to set KPI values and the font colors.
Here you can define a KPI value range for the thresholds and the corresponding font colors.
a. Click on a Color box to select a font color for each threshold.
b. Select an operator for each threshold to define the KPI value range, e. g. < (less than).
The available operators are different for numeric (e.g.,< (less than) or = (equals to)) and text (e.g., starts with or is equal to).
c. Enter a value for each threshold.
You can either enter fix threshold values or you can choose columns from your data source representing dynamic threshold values. For dynamic threshold values only text data columns are allowed. Assign the required text data column from the data source to a threshold field via drag and drop.
d. Click on Plus button to add a threshold or click on Minus button to remove a threshold. e. Activate the Colorize row option to use the font coloring for all others cells in the row.
8. Click on Traffic Lights to set KPI values and to define traffic lights.
Here you can define a KPI value range for the thresholds and corresponding traffic lights. The traffic lights will be displayed in each cell of the rows. By default there are three traffic light phases plus the inactive phase. In addition of the color you can also select a different shape for each traffic light phase.
a. Click on a Color box to select a color and a shape for each traffic light phase.
You can use custom images instead of the colored shapes for each traffic light phase. For this activate the Image based Traffic Light option, click on the drop-down menu and enter an Image URL.
b. Activate the Multi State option to show multiple states of traffic lights instead of a single traffic light.
c. Select an operator for each threshold to define the KPI value range, e. g. is equal to.
d. Enter a value for each threshold.
You can either enter fix threshold values or you can choose numeric columns from your data source representing the threshold values. Assign a data column from the data source to a threshold field via drag and drop.
e. Click on Plus button to add a traffic light phase or click on Minus button to remove a phase. f. Activate the Switch position option to place the traffic light symbol right hand of the values.
h. Activate the Show tooltip option to show tool tips for each traffic light symbol.
i. By default the traffic light phase is also visible if it is inactive (A KPI value is not available.). Deactivate the Inactive state option if the traffic light phase should not be visible. You can also change the color of the inactive traffic light phase. In case of a selected image you can only deactivate the Show inactive state option.
9. Click OK.
The defined thresholds will be displayed in the grid component.