MashZone NextGen Add-Ons : The MashZone NextGen Add-On for Excel
The MashZone NextGen Add-On for Excel
Install the MashZone NextGen Toolbar in Excel
MashZone NextGen Toolbar for Excel
The MashZone NextGen Toolbar Add-On Configuration File
Configuring the Connection to MashZone NextGen
Work with MashZone NextGen Mashup and Mashable Results in Excel
Export Excel Worksheets or CSV Files as Mashables in MashZone NextGen
The MashZone NextGen Add-On for Excel allows you to work with data in Excel and MashZone NextGen from end to end. This add-on includes the MashZone NextGen Toolbar for Excel which you can add to Excel and use to :
*Import results from MashZone NextGen information sources, mashables and mashups, to work with this information in Excel.
*Export data in your worksheets as MashZone NextGen mashables so that other users can work with your information in mashups or apps.
MashZone NextGen makes it easy to get information from many different sources such as databases in your organization, public information available on the Internet, information from partner organizations or information that other users in your organization have put together and made available as a mashable information source or mashup.
To start working with the MashZone NextGen Add-On for Excel, see Install the MashZone NextGen Toolbar in Excel for instructions. Then configure your connection to MashZone NextGen. See Configuring the Connection to MashZone NextGen.
Once the toolbar is installed and configured, you can begin using the MashZone NextGen Toolbar to Work with MashZone NextGen Mashup and Mashable Results in Excel or Export Excel Worksheets or CSV Files as Mashables in MashZone NextGen.
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