Database Mashable Name Changes
The changes to names in database mashables include:
Table, view and column names in the mashable use mixed cases, commonly called
camel case. Table and view names start with an initial capital letter and capitalize the initial letter of all subsequent words. All other characters become lowercase.
The first word of column names is all lowercase and subsequent words use an initial capital letter with lowercase.
Periods used between packages and stored procedure names, in Oracle databases, are removed.
Underscores (_) and spaces are removed from all names.
The letter
N is prepended to table, view or stored procedure names that begin with numbers. The letter
n is prepended to column names that begin with numbers.
The letter
a is prepended to column names that are reserved words in Java.
Operation names for stored procedures are in the form
executeStored-procedure-name-in-camel-case. If any removal or substitution results in duplicate names in a mashable, an index number is added to the new name to ensure uniqueness.
Overloaded names, such as stored procedure names or operations with multiple signatures, have an index number added to ensure uniqueness.
For example:
For | Database SQL Name | Mashable Name |
Tables or Views | EMPLOYEES | Employees |
lowercasename | LowercaseName |
AUDIT_LOG | AuditLog |
15CASES | N15Cases |
Columns | JOB_ID | jobId |
3ANSWERS | n3Answers |
class | aClass |
Stored Procedures | abc.SomeProcedure | executeAbcSomeProcedure |
AnotherProcedure(string) AnotherProcedure(string, string) AnotherProcedure(string, number) | executeAnotherProcedure executeAnotherProcedure0 executeAnotherProcedure1 |