Presto Administration : Presto and MashZone Repositories : Synchronize the Presto Repository and Presto Server Time Zones
Synchronize the Presto Repository and Presto Server Time Zones
Creation and modification timestamps for artifacts and other Presto Repository metadata can be different than times when events occurred in the Presto Server in two cases:
*If the server hosting the Presto Repository is located in a different time zone from the server hosting the Presto Server
*If the time zone setting for the database hosting the Presto Repository is set to a different time zone from the server hosting the Presto Server
You can correct this problem by specifying a time zone in configuration for the Presto Repository.
The instructions in this topic are specific to MySQL databases. For other types of databases, please consult documentation for that database to determine the appropriate updates.
To synchronize time zones
1. In a text editor of your choice, open the file in your presto-config folder. This is either in a shared external configuration folder or in app-server:port/presto/WEB-INF/classes.
2. Update the following properties:
Valid time zone identifiers include GMT time zones, common abbreviations such as EST or UTC, or time zone locations such as America/Los_Angeles.
3. Save these changes.
4. Restart the Presto Server. See Start and Stop the Presto Server for instructions.
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