Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Excel : Export Excel Worksheets or CSV Files as Mashables in Presto : Register a Worksheet as a Spreadsheet Mashable in Presto : Manual or Automatic Updates to Spreadsheet Content
Manual or Automatic Updates to Spreadsheet Content
The Presto mashables registered for spreadsheets can contain a snapshot of the current worksheet data, or they can have a dynamic link to the spreadsheet that always returns updated data. This depends on the access to your worksheet when you register the mashable:
*If your worksheet is hosted in SharePoint or can be accessed remotely using HTTP, Presto gets a dynamic link to your worksheet. Any updates to your worksheet are automatically reflected in Presto.
*If access to the worksheet is local, from your local computer or a network drive, the spreadsheet mashable gets a snapshot of the data. Any updates you make to the worksheet do not automatically update the spreadsheet mashable in Presto. You must Update Mashables Manually from Worksheets.
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