Apps and Workspaces : Create Workspace Apps with Mashboard : About PPM Filters
About PPM Filters
A PPM filter consists of one or more criteria each of which compares the values for a dimension or a key indicator in the chart to data from an event published by another app.
Key indicators are also sometimes called measures because they are always numeric data - they are the things you measure in the chart, such as quantity or cost.
Dimensions contain categorical data, the categories or other attributes of the data that are differentiators for the analysis such as region, city or customer. Dimensions can also contain date and time information, such as the order date.
Dimensions in PPM can also have one or more levels. Single level dimensions have simple data, such as US, Argentina or Germany for the region. Multi-level dimensions have complex data, such as US-Denver for the region and city.
Dimensions also have a key, the value for that record such as Denver for the city, and potentially also a description. Criteria for a filter can make comparisons against the key or against the description.
The comparison to determine what data to show in the filtered chart depends on the comparison operator you define in the criteria. The operators that you can use in a filter criteria depend on what type of data the dimension or key indicator contains.
See Set Filter Properties for Wiring PPM Charts for an example.
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