Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Portals : Managing and Updating Mashups or Apps in Portal Pages : Update App Portlet Performance Preferences
Update App Portlet Performance Preferences
By default Presto apps are added to portal pages using an <iframe> element. Iframes ensure that any CSS styling or JavaScript used within the app portlet does not conflict with other portal content in the page.
In some cases where several apps appear in a portal page, iframes can affect performance making the portal page slow. You can choose to add app portlets directly, known as inline rendering. This may improve performance but may also generate CSS or JavaScript conflicts.
To render app portlets inline in the portal page:
1. Open preferences for the portlet.
2. Move to the Configure Portlet Settings section.
3. Enter true in the Inline preference.
4. Save your changes.
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