Presto Administration : Integrated MashZone Server Configuration and Administration : Enable the MashZone Feed Editor
Enable the MashZone Feed Editor
By default, users cannot create new MashZone feeds in the Feed Editor. This editor is hidden from users in the Presto Hub main menu.
You can make the Feed Editor visible to users in the Mashups menu in the Presto Hub main menu to allow users to create new MashZone feeds.
To enable the Feed Editor
1. Click Admin Console in the Presto Hub main menu.
2. Click Server to expand this section of the Administration menu.
3. Click MashZone.
4. Select the Enable MashZone Feed Editor option.
5. Click Save Changes.
6. Reload the Presto bowser tab.
This makes the MashZone Feed Editor in the Presto Hub Mashups menu visible.
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