Apps and Workspaces : Working in Presto Mobile Apps
Working in Presto Mobile Apps
Presto Mobile App Features
Mobile features are available in the Presto Hub to create views and apps that are mobile compatible. You find mobile apps hosted in Presto using Presto Mobile native apps that you install in your mobile phones and tablets. See Installing Presto Mobile Apps in Mobile Devices for more information.
To enable basic apps to work in mobile devices, you must include views that are mobile compatible and choose mobile devices as a supported destination. For workspace apps, the workspace app must use a mobile-compatible layout and must also be flagged for mobile devices. See About Desktop and Mobile Compatibility for Apps for more information.
Once an app is complete, you must publish the app to the AppDepot and an AppDepot administrator must approve it. Once approved, the mobile editions of apps are available in the Presto Mobile apps. See Publish Apps to the AppDepot for instructions.
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