Upgrade the Presto 3.5 Repository JAR for MSSQL, MySQL or Oracle
Presto 3.5 ships with two JAR files for the Presto Server to connect to and work with the Presto Repository. By default, it is installed with the JAR that is compatible with the default Presto Repository hosted in a Derby database.
If you are upgrading to version 3.5, but need to use your existing Presto Repository hosted in a Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle database, you must switch out these JARs, following these steps:
1. Remove the web-apps-home/presto/WEB-INF/lib/rds-postgresql-derby.jar JAR file for each Presto Server that uses this Presto Repository. You can delete this JAR or simply move it to a folder that is not in the classpath for the application server that hosts Presto.
2. Copy this JAR file:
To the web-apps-home/presto/WEB-INF/lib folder.