Mashups in Presto Wires : Manage Mashups in Wires
Manage Mashups in Wires
Quickly Find Mashables, Mashups or Other Blocks
Edit a Mashup
Save a Mashup
Turn Mashups On or Off
View Mashup or Mashable Details
View Custom Block EMML Code
Open the Mashup Artifact Page to Create Apps, Add Views or Take Snapshots
You use the Block Menus in Wires to find mashables, mashups or action blocks. You can also edit mashups from this menu. For instructions, see:
*Quickly Find Mashables, Mashups or Other Blocks
*Edit a Mashup
*Edit Mashup XPath Expressions in Advanced Mode
*Save a Mashup
*Turn Mashups On or Off
*View Mashup or Mashable Details
*View Custom Block EMML Code
*Open the Mashup Artifact Page to Create Apps, Add Views or Take Snapshots
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