Mashups in EMML : Advanced Mashup Techniques : Defining and Using Custom Mashup Statements with Macros : Calling a Macro : Macro Domains
Macro Domains
For macros that are registered in a user-defined domain, you must:
*Supply the name of the domain in the macro call to uniquely identify the macro to invoke. The domain is not required for macros published as global macros.
*Add this domain to the mashup or macro using <include>.
The Mashup Editor automatically adds this <include> statement. See Adding Macro Calls Automatically in the Mashup Editor for details.
If you omit the domain name in a macro call and the macro name is not unique, the Presto Server calls the last macro found with that name.
For example:
<!-- call global macro -->
<macro:myGlobalMacro input="$myDoc" outputvariable="$macroResult"/>

<!-- call to macro in another domain -->
<include domain="Finance"/>
<macro:myMacro domain="Finance" input="$myDoc" outputvariable="$macroResult"/>
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