Mashups in Presto Wires : Creating Mashups in Wires : Add Actions or Other Blocks : Build Strings
Build Strings
The String Builder action allows you to build a string value dynamically. You can combine any number of single values from these sources:
*The results of other blocks
*Global or user attributes
*Input parameters
*Literal text.
String Fragments
This contains one or more properties where you can:
*Enter literal text.
*Click to open the Path Selector list to supply a string fragment dynamically.
Then add an input field, select an input field, select a global or user attribute or select a path to a field from some other block to supply this fragment dynamically. See Select Fields or Paths for Block Properties with the Path Selector for more information.
Fields that you select from other block results must contain a single value. They cannot be fields in a repeating item.
The order of the fragments defines the final order of the combined string.
Add More
Click this button to add another fragment to build this string.
Remove All
Click this button to remove all the existing fragments.
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