Publishing, Managing, Sharing and Using Apps
The app artifact page lets you preview that app. Use the menus in this page to edit, manage, publish and perform other tasks with the app. You can also use the toolbar to share the app directly with another user or mark it as one of your favorites.
Note: | Some actions in an app artifact page may not be accessible based on your Presto permissions. |
Use the
Publish menu to:
Use the
Edit menu to
Edit App Properties. You can also open the app in the
App Editor from this menu.
Manage to:
Add screenshots for the app. These are useful for users in
AppDepot to help them determine if an app may be useful to them.
Take one or more screens shots of your app. Click
Manage >
Screenshots and upload your images.
You can also change the thumbnail for the app from the thumbnail on the artifact page. See
Add a Thumbnail for instructions.