Presto Administration : Getting Started with the Presto Server
Getting Started with the Presto Server
Additional Presto System and Software Requirements
What is Installed with Presto
Start and Stop the Presto Server
Startup Considerations
Manage Licenses for Presto, Universal Messaging and BigMemory
Move the Presto and MashZone Repositories to a Robust Database Solution
Integrate Your LDAP Directory with Presto
Use the Default Presto User Repository
What’s Next
You install Presto using the Software AG Installer. See the Installing webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations Products guide for instructions.
The post-installation tasks you must complete to allow users to start working with Presto include:
1. Start the Presto Server. See Start and Stop the Presto Server for instructions.
2. Login to Presto Hub:
a. Open Presto Hub in a browser at http://localhost:8080/presto.
If you used a different port number when you installed Presto or the Presto Server is running on a different host, change the domain and port number appropriately.
b. Use the credentials for the default administrator account:
*User name = Administrator
*Password = manage
3. If you are using the default Presto User Repository rather than an LDAP Directory to manage users and groups for Presto, it is a good practice to change the password for this default administrator account.
a. Open your profile from the Presto Hub menu bar and click My Password.
b. Enter your new password and confirm this.
c. Then click Change Password.
If you will use your LDAP Directory as the Presto User Repository, this default account is disabled once LDAP configuration is complete.
4. Set up a robust database to use as the Presto Repository.
Presto is installed with Derby as an embedded database hosting the Presto Repository for trial purposes only. The default Derby database should not be used for serious development environments or for staging or production.
See Move the Presto and MashZone Repositories to a Robust Database Solution for instructions.
For Presto database compatibility information, see Presto and MashZone Database Compatibility.
5. If you want Presto to use your LDAP Directory as the repository for user and group information, you must update configuration. See Integrate Your LDAP Directory with Presto for instructions.
6. Configure the Integrated MashZone Server and the Event Service. See Integrated MashZone Server Configuration and Administration and Event Service Configuration and Administration for instructions.
7. If you have also installed Terracotta BigMemory and received your BigMemory license, add this license to Presto and configure Presto to work with BigMemory. See Manage Licenses for Presto, Universal Messaging and BigMemory and Configure BigMemory Servers for Presto Caching and In-Memory Stores for instructions.
In addition to these required steps, there are many other optional configuration tasks you may wish to complete. See What’s Next for links to optional tasks.
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