Freeform Dashbording : Configure dashboard components in Presto Freeform : Move components to front or back
Move components to front or back
You can move a component forward or backward in a dashboard relatively to other components. For example, you can display an chart in the background of the dashboard and place several components on top of it, i.e., in the foreground.
1. Create or open a dashboard in Presto Freeform.
2. Select one or more inserted components in the dashboard. A corresponding pop-up menu is displayed.
3. Set Layering
*Click the Bring to Front icon. Displays the component in front of one or more other components.
*Click the Bring Forward icon. Brings the component one level forward.
*Click the Bring Backward. Brings the component one level backward.
*Click the Send Back. Displays the component behind one or more other components.
The selected components are moved forward or backward in the dashboard.
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