Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Excel : Presto Toolbar for Excel
Presto Toolbar for Excel
The Presto Toolbar for Excel lets you import mashup and mashable data from Presto to an Excel worksheet or export data from an Excel worksheet as a mashable information source to give other users access or to work with worksheet data in mashups or apps.
Import Mashable/Mashup
Imports the results from one operation of a Presto mashup or mashable into the current worksheet.
Set Input Parameters
Sets values for the input parameters to send to a Presto mashup or mashable to obtain results for the current worksheet.
Refresh Imported Results
Invokes a Presto mashup or mashable to refresh the results.
Remove Imported Mashable/Mashup
Removes configuration for an imported Presto mashup or mashable from the current worksheet. This does not remove any data.
Register Worksheet in Presto
*Registers a range in the current worksheet or any accessible worksheet file to Presto as a new spreadsheet mashable.
*Updates an existing spreadsheet mashable in Presto with changes or additions in a range of the current worksheet or any accessible worksheet file.
Remove Spreadsheet Mashable
Removes a spreadsheet mashable information source in Presto and disconnects the relationship between Presto and the worksheet.
Configure Connection
Sets connection information to Presto for importing, registering or updating mashable information sources.
Online Help
Help information for the Presto Add-On for Excel.
If you do not have the Presto Toolbar in Excel, see Install the Presto Toolbar in Excel for instructions on how to add this to Excel.
Your Presto administrator can also hide or show the Presto Toolbar using administration tools.
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