Custom Apps : Working in the App Editor : Update an App
Update an App
When you update the code or resources for an existing custom app in your own development environment, you must package your updates and then upload them to Presto to update the app. You can upload an app update package from the App Editor or from the app’s artifact page.
In the App Editor
In the App Artifact Page
Archive all the app resources in a Zip file on your computer.
Archive all the app resources in a Zip file on your computer.
Find and open the app you want to update. See Find and Open an App for instructions.
Find and open the app you want to update from Search, bookmarks or other links in Presto Hub.
Click Update.
Click Manage > Update App.
Click Browse and find the Zip file on your computer for this app . Click Upload.
Click Browse and find the Zip file on your computer for this app . Click Upload.
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