Presto Administration : Presto Server Configuration : Configure Presto for SSL and Digital Certificates : Configure Mutual SSL Between Users and Presto
Configure Mutual SSL Between Users and Presto
The Presto Server and users both exchange certificates. Presto can also be configured to use user digital certificates for authentication. The connection requires:
*Store and Certificates:
*A certificate store as key store and trust store for the Presto Server.
*A key certificate pair for the Presto Server.
*Public certificates in the trust store for any user public certificates that are self-signed.
You must add self-signed certificates to the trust store before these users login. See Trusted Peer Cerficates for more information.
See The Certificate Store and Certificates for more information.
*Configuration in the application server hosting Presto to use the HTTPS port. This also includes configuration identifying the key store and trust store for the Presto Server. See Configure HTTPS and Certficate Stores in the Application Server for instructions.
*Optional configuration in Presto to use digital certificates for user authentication. See Authentication with Digital Certificates/SSL for instructions.
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