Presto Add-Ons : Presto Add-On for SharePoint User Guide : Update App Web Part Properties : Change Pagination or Themes
Change Pagination or Themes
Some apps have the following properties that determine how much data is shown in the app and the color theme used for borders and title bars in the app:
*Enable pagination: For apps with lots of data. showing smaller subsets of data provides better performance and can make it easier to find specific data of interest. If this property is set, the app displays just one 'page' of data. It also includes a toolbar to allow users to move to other pages of data.
*Rows Per Page: This only applies if pagination is enabled. This determines how many rows of data are included in one page.
*Theme: Defines a color scheme for borders for the app and, if shown, for the App and View Title bars. See Hide or Show App or View Titles and Toolbars for more information.
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