Apama 10.15.5 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing EPL Plug-ins | Writing EPL Plug-ins in Java | Steps for developing EPL plug-ins written in Java manually
Steps for developing EPL plug-ins written in Java manually
*To develop EPL plug-ins written in Java outside Software AG Designer
1. Ensure that ap-correlator-extension-api.jar is in your Java CLASSPATH environment variable.
2. Create a folder in which to develop your plug-in.
3. In this development folder, define one .java file for each event type and one .java file for each monitor class.
4. Ensure that there is a deployment descriptor file named jmon-jar.xml. See also Creating deployment descriptor files for EPL plug-ins written in Java.
5. In your development folder, compile all your Java source code.
javac *.java
If ap-correlator-extension-api.jar is not already in your CLASSPATH environment variable, you can specify the –classpath command-line option to point to ap-correlator-extension-api.jar.
6. In your development folder, create a JAR file that contains the deployment descriptor and all class files. The command line format is as follows:
jar –cf plugin_name.jar META-INF/jmon-jar.xml *.class
Replace plugin_name with the name you choose for your plug-in. On Windows, use backslashes (\) instead of forward slashes (/).
7. If any of your plug-in's .class files are in your CLASSPATH environment variable, remove them. If the JRE can resolve a class path by using either your plug-in's JAR file or your CLASSPATH environment variable, Apama fails to load your plug-in.