Apama 10.15.5 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing EPL Plug-ins | Writing EPL Plug-ins in Java | Creating deployment descriptor files for EPL plug-ins written in Java | Inserting annotations for deployment descriptor files
Inserting annotations for deployment descriptor files
In your source files, you can specify the following annotations:
*@Application - This annotation indicates the name of the plug-in, as well as the author, version, company, and description of the plug-in. Insert this annotation in any one, and only one, of your source files. Each value is required. This annotation must be after any import statements and before the class definition statement. For example:
name = "Simple",
author = "Moray Grieve",
version = "1.0",
company = "Apama",
description = "Deployment descriptor for a simple plug-in",
classpath = "${sys:MY_THIRD_PARTY_DIR}/lib/foo.jar;
*@com.apama.epl.plugin.annotation.EPLPlugin - This annotation is used to mark a Java class. The name specifies the import name for the plug-in, and the description serves as meta information for human consumption. For example:
description="A test plugin"
class testplugin