Apama 10.15.5 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Working with Projects | Adding resources to Apama projects | Adding bundles to projects | Adding connectivity and adapter bundles to projects | Adding the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in to a project
Adding the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in to a project
The Universal Messaging transport connectivity plug-in is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It is recommended to instead either use the MQTT transport connectivity plug-in or the correlator-integrated support for the Java Message Service (JMS).
Universal Messaging is Software AG's middleware service that delivers data across different networks. It provides messaging functionality without the use of a web server or modifications to firewall policy. In Apama applications, you can configure and use the connectivity provided by Universal Messaging.
*To add the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in to a project
1. Invoke the Connectivity and Adapters dialog as described in Adding connectivity and adapter bundles to projects.
2. Expand the Universal Messaging node and select the desired option.
There are several options to choose from, ranging from a simple configuration that serializes Apama event fields into a JSON document, through to an advanced configuration containing many transport and mapping configuration possibilities that may be suitable for power users.
In the Project Explorer view, the following files are created in the Connectivity and Adapters > Universal Messaging > Universal_Messaging_bundle instance node:
The Universal_Messaging_bundle_instance.properties file contains the most commonly needed Universal Messaging configuration options such as the Universal Messaging server realm names to connect to.
3. Optionally, edit the Universal_Messaging_bundle_instance.yaml file if you need to perform more advanced configuration tasks, such as enabling authentication or customizing the way Universal Messaging messages are mapped to the Apama events.
For more information, see General steps for using Universal Messaging in Apama applications and Configuring the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in.
The Apama > Add UM Configuration to IAF menu item is only for configuring the IAF adapter to communicate over Universal Messaging to the correlator. If you only have the correlator communicating over Universal Messaging, then you use the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in. Use of Universal Messaging from the IAF is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.