Apama 10.15.5 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Building Dashboard Clients | Reusing Dashboard Components | Using Composite Grids
Using Composite Grids
Configuring Composite Grids
Composite Grid sample
The Composite Grid object combines the capabilities of the Composite and Object Grid objects to provide a powerful and flexible means to display multiple DataView items.
Illustration showing a Composite Grid
Above, a Composite Grid is used to display the instances of the tutorial DataView. The rtv file displayed in the grid contains a set of objects to display the details of a single instance of the tutorial DataView.
Illustration showing the details of a single instance
The objects are attached to the tutorial DataView filtering on $instanceId to select a single instance. The Composite Grid object is configured to pass each instance a unique value of $instanceId such that there is one row in the grid for each instance.
The Composite Grid object is really just an Object Grid with the Icon Class Name in its iconProperties set to obj_composite. The Composite Grid has all the behaviors of the Object Grid and Composite objects.