Apama 10.15.5 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Building Dashboard Clients | Using SQL Data | Specifying application options | Entering database information directory into OPTIONS.ini | Generating encrypted passwords for SQL data sources
Generating encrypted passwords for SQL data sources
If you are adding an SQL data source by entering information directly into OPTIONS.ini (see Entering database information directory into OPTIONS.ini), and you specify a username and password, use the dashboard_management utility in order to generate an encrypted version of the password. Use the encrypted version in the sqldb line of OPTIONS.ini.
Commands of the following form yield the encrypted string as output:
dashboard_management -e | --encryptString password
Following is an example:
dashboard_management -e sunshine
This yields the following output:
Following is a sample sqldb line that includes the encrypted password shown above:
sqldb test2 username 0134901351013440134901338013390134401335 - - - true false