Apama 10.15.5 | Readme | Resolved Issues | Release
EPL Plug-ins
Warnings of thread leaks and functional problems when running against LLVM using TCStore.
Using Apama MemoryStore with Terracotta 10.x could produce thread leak warnings at shutdown. This issue has been addressed, but does slightly increase injection times with LLVM enabled. The increase in injection time is proportional to the total memory used by the correlator, so is worse in very large correlators.
Connectivity and Adapters
Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in should be configurable with a tenant ID and a URL.
Previously, it was required of Cumulocity IoT transport users to configure the tenant in the connectivity plug-in YAML file. Now, the tenant is an optional configuration parameter and the transport will operate based on whether the URL or tenant option is specified.
Add gzip encoding support to HTTP client.
The HTTP client transport can encode HTTP requests with gzip or deflate compression format. Users can set metadata.http.headers.content-encoding to indicate which compression format they want to compress the HTTP requests.
Apama Docker images contain invalid DES license.
Docker images used to contain an expired Digital Event Services license. This has been fixed and now a license will last for 30 days from when the container was created.
Cumulocity IoT Transport
Attempt to update objects in Cumulocity fails if creationTime and lastUpdated are present.
The Cumulocity IoT transport fails to update a managed object/event/operation that contains creationTime or lastUpdated in the params dictionary. This is because Cumulocity IoT does not accept these fields while making a REST request.
This is fixed now.
Missing timestamps of ManagedObject within com.apama.cumulocity.Timestamps fields such as creationTime and lastUpdated were missing from the com.apama.cumulocity.ManagedObject object when using the query interface (requestAllDevice=true or FindManagedObject) to retrieve managed objects from Cumulocity IoT. creationTime and lastUpdated are now added to the params dictionary of the ManagedObject event.
SocketTimeout if sending a response after 10 minutes of nothing.The Cumulocity IoT transport fails to send a message to Cumulocity IoT in scenarios where the transport is idle (that is, no messages are being sent from the transport to Cumulocity IoT) for a long duration (more than 10 minutes).
This is fixed now.
GC after running spawned-to actions.
In earlier releases, spawned actions which immediately free monitor variables but do not receive events soon afterwards may go a long time without being garbage-collected. Spawned actions are now always immediately garbage-collected to guard against this.