Apama 10.15.5 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Overview of Developing Apama Applications | Tutorials
Apama provides several tutorials in Software AG Designer. These are available from the Welcome page, which appears when you start Software AG Designer for the first time and which is always available by choosing Help > Welcome from the Software AG Designer menu. On the Welcome page, look for the heading Apama, and then click Tutorials.
The tutorials are interactive instructions that get you quickly up to speed writing Event Processing Language programs. Each tutorial provides a skeleton project and a completed project. At the end of the tutorial instructions, you run the project.
When you open a tutorial for the first time, it is copied into the Eclipse workspace. You can revert to the original tutorial without any changes you've made at any time by deleting the project as follows:
1. Right-click the project.
2. Click Delete.
3. Select Also delete contents in the confirmation dialog, and click Yes.
Then open the project again from the Apama Tutorials page.