Apama 10.15.5 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard IAF Plug-ins | Codec IAF Plug-ins | The XML codec IAF plug-in | Specifying XML codec properties | Message logging properties
Message logging properties
logFlattenedXML — If true, the IAF log contains a list of the name/value pairs generated by the XML codec when flattening XML received from the transport, at CRIT level. Each field is on a different line, which makes it easy to see what fields are being generated and what the mapping's transport field names should be set to. Turning this on in production impacts performance. The default is false.
logAllMessages — If true, the IAF log contains the full contents of every message sent upstream or downstream, before and after encoding, and before and after decoding, all at CRIT level. Turning this on in production impacts performance. The default is false.