Apama 10.15.5 | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Correlator Utilities Reference | Configuring the correlator | Using YAML configuration files
Using YAML configuration files
You can specify one or more YAML files using the --config option when you start the correlator. See Starting the correlator.
For detailed information on YAML, see http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html. A quick overview is given below.
YAML configuration files can contain maps, lists or simple values:
*A map contains a string key, followed by a colon and space, followed by a value (which can be a map, a list or a simple value). Typically, an entry with a simple value is written on one line, and collections (maps and lists) are written on a following line with indentation.
*A list contains a number of values, each of which is written on a new line with a preceding dash and space ("- ").
*A simple value includes a string or number. It is typically written on a single line. A string may be enclosed in quotes if needed, but this is not mandatory.
Some characters in YAML have special significance at certain positions. For example, a value ending with a colon (:) is treated as a key in a dictionary, so if you want a string value to end with a literal colon (:), you should quote it.
*Nesting is expressed using spaces to indent different levels of object. Tabs are forbidden in YAML files, all indentation must be performed using spaces.
For example:
mykey: myvalue
- item 1 # comment
- item 2
- "a quoted string value"
YAML is a superset of JSON. Thus, any valid JSON is also usable in the YAML configuration file. This is helpful if there is ambiguity in the way YAML expresses configuration.
YAML documents should be saved with the standard UTF-8 character encoding.