Apama 10.15.5 | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Deploying and Managing Queries | Overview of deploying and managing query applications
Overview of deploying and managing query applications
Typically, query application deployments script the start up and management of all Apama query application components outside of the Apama development environment in Software AG Designer. Apama recommends the use of the The Ant export facility of Software AG Designer to aid in this.
Queries can also be run from Software AG Designer. However, Software AG Designer can run only a single correlator deployment. To run multiple correlator deployments, use Apama macros for Ant.
Queries can be deployed on a single node, but typically would be deployed across multiple nodes, forming a cluster. While involving more components, a cluster provides:
*Scale out across multiple hosts.
*Resiliency against failures.
*Continued availability if some nodes fail.
Using a cluster will involve the following:
*Some number of correlators that are executing queries.
*A distributed MemoryStore for storing event history. Terracotta's TCStore is the recommended MemoryStore driver for Apama queries.
Support for using BigMemory Max for Apama queries is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
*A JMS bus for distributing events to correlators.