Apama 10.15.5 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The Cumulocity IoT Transport Connectivity Plug-in | Using measurement fragments | Handling measurement fragments
Handling measurement fragments
It is possible to separate the individual fragments from the contents of a Measurement into MeasurementFragment objects, which can allow better performance matching in searches. You achieve this by using the sequence<MeasurementFragment> getFragments() action on the Measurement event. This returns a sequence of MeasurementFragment objects.
You can generate a Measurement event based on MeasurementFragment objects. You can achieve this by using the static Measurement createFromFragments(sequence<MeasurementFragment> fragments) action on the Measurement event, where fragments is the sequence of MeasurementFragment objects to create it from, and it returns the created Measurement.