Apama 10.15.5 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 9.12 | Correlator utility enhancements in 9.12
Correlator utility enhancements in 9.12
Apama 9.12 includes the following correlator utility enhancements:
*It is now possible to configure persistence using a YAML configuration file that is specified with the new --config option when starting the correlator. For detailed information, see Configuring persistence in a YAML configuration file.
*It is now possible to deploy Apama applications using YAML configuration files. This is useful for Docker containers or other minimal environments where only part of an Apama installation is available or it is not practical to run Java tools to perform the injections. For detailed information, see Deploying Apama applications with a YAML configuration file.
*A new option --pidfile file is available for the correlator, iaf, dashboard_server and display_server tools. It specifies the name of the file that contains the process ID. For more information, see:
* Starting the correlator
* IAF command-line options
* Command-line options for the data server and display server
*A new request type toStringQueues, which can be issued with the -r (or --dorequest) option, is available for the engine_management tool. It outputs the current contents of all input and output queues within the running correlator. This can be helpful for identifying slow senders and receivers, and potential causes (such as very large events or excessive flow). See also Shutting down and managing components.
*A new request type getEventTypes, which can be issued with the -r (or --dorequest) option, is available for the iaf_management tool. It returns a string representation of the event types known to the running IAF. The output is equivalent to that of the iaf -e config.xml command. The getEventTypes request type, however, does not require a configuration file as input. See also Shutting down and managing components.