Apama 10.15.5 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.1 | Apama enhancements in Software AG Designer 10.1
Apama enhancements in Software AG Designer 10.1
Apama 10.1 includes the following enhancements in Software AG Designer:
*You can now export Apama event definitions as digital event types using the Digital Event Types editor.
*The following commands from the File > New menu (and from the New context menu) have been renamed:
*MonitorScript File has been renamed to EPL Monitor.
*Event Definition has been renamed to EPL Event Definition.
These name changes are also reflected in the wizards that are invoked by these commands.
For both commands, validations for the name have been implemented such that wizard now shows an error message if name contains special characters, except for the dollar ($) and underscore (_) characters.
The EPL editor now provides a template with the specified monitor name or event definition name.
See the following topics for more information:
* Creating new monitor files for EPL applications
* Creating event definitions by adding EPL code
* Creating event definitions from XML files
* Creating event definitions from XSD files
Support for EDA events is deprecated. See also Removed and deprecated features in 10.1.