Apama 10.15.4 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Working with Projects | Adding resources to Apama projects | Creating new event definition files for EPL applications | Creating event definitions by adding EPL code
Creating event definitions by adding EPL code
*To create an event definition by adding EPL code
1. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the eventdefinitions folder of the project where you want to add the event definition and select New > EPL Event Definition.
2. In the New EPL Event Definition dialog, select EPL Editor and click Next.
3. Enter information in the following fields:
a. The Containing folder field is the folder where the file will be saved. By default, this is the currently selected folder of the current project, but you can select another folder or project using the Browse button.
b. In the Event definition name field, specify the name of the new event definition. This name is also used as the file name. It is recommended that you use TitleCase with the name. The name must not contain special characters, except for the dollar ($) and underscore (_) characters.
Specifying the .mon file extension is optional as Software AG Designer will add the .mon file extension. Software AG Designer will not let you specify anything except .mon as a file extension.
c. The Package field is optional. Information in this field is an EPL package name.
4. Click Finish.
The new event definition file is added to the specified folder in the project, and the EPL file opens in the EPL editor. The EPL editor provides an event template with the specified event definition name.
5. In the EPL editor, add the desired EPL code and save the file.