Apama 10.15.4 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in EPL | Using EPL Plug-ins | Using the MemoryStore | Adding the MemoryStore bundle to your project
Adding the MemoryStore bundle to your project
To use the MemoryStore, you need only add the MemoryStore bundle to your project. The description below explains how to add the bundle using Software AG Designer, but you can also add it using the apama_project command-line tool as described in Creating and managing an Apama project from the command line.
To use the distributed MemoryStore, you add the Distributed MemoryStore adapter instead. The procedure for this is different and is described in Adding distributed MemoryStore support to a project.
Adding the MemoryStore bundle to your project makes the MemoryStore.mon file available to the monitors in your project. When you run your project, Software AG Designer automatically injects MemoryStore.mon. If you want to examine this file, it is in the monitors/data_storage directory of your Apama installation directory. MemoryStore.mon is the interface between the monitors in your application and the MemoryStore plug-in. Your application creates events of the types defined in that file and calls actions on those events to use the MemoryStore's facilities. There is never any need to import or call the plug-in directly.
If you use the engine_inject tool to manually inject your EPL, instead of using Software AG Designer, and you want to expose MemoryStore tables to dashboards, you need to inject the files MemoryStoreScenarioImpl.mon which is in the monitors/data_storage directory and MangagementImpl.mon and Management.mon which are in the monitors directory.
*To add the MemoryStore bundle
1. In Software AG Designer, open the project in the Apama Developer perspective.
2. In the Project Explorer, right-click the EPL Bundles node and select Add Bundle.
3. In the Add Bundle dialog, select the The MemoryStore bundle and click OK.