Apama 10.15.4 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables and Trends | Introduction to Dashboard Properties | Editing property values
Editing property values
Property names listed in the first column of the Object Properties panel cannot be changed. Property values, listed in the second column, can be set to static values or attached to dynamic data.
Blue text signifies that a property value is static and cannot be attached to a dynamic data source.
Green text signifies that a property value is currently attached to a dynamic data source and therefore it is no longer possible to edit this value directly in the Object Properties panel. See Attaching Dashboards to Correlator Data.
To remove a data attachment and restore the ability to edit property values directly in the Object Properties panel, right-click on the property name and select Detach from Data from the popup menu. An object property has been detached from the data source when the property name and value are no longer green.