Apama 10.15.4 | Readme | Resolved Issues | Release 10.5.2
Release 10.5.2
EPL Plug-ins
Occasional core dumps are seen in the upgraded Storage plug-in to the new API.
A rare race-to-crash when opening MemoryStore tables on multiple threads simultaneously in a persistent correlator has been fixed.
Codecs with background threads sending events can crash other codecs.
It was previously possible for a connectivity plug-in which started a background thread to send events to another plug-in whose start() method had not yet completed, which violates the API contract of connectivity plug-ins. Now such sends will block until the chain has completed start() on all plug-ins. Sending from the start() method itself is not permitted for the same reason, but blocking would deadlock, so it prints a warning message instead.
Connectivity and Adapters
Infinite loop in HTTP client and HTTP server connectivity plug-ins.
If the HTTP server connectivity plug-in was sent a request with a gzip or deflate content-encoding header set but the body not actually compressed, then the HTTP server would never send a response to the client. This would exhibit a “chain is slow” warning in the correlator log. The HTTP server connectivity plug-in now safely handles this scenario and responds with status code 400 (Bad Request).
Cumulocity IoT Transport
Position attributes of Cumulocity Managed Objects cannot parse stringified lat/long.
The Cumulocity IoT transport now accepts strings that can be converted to numbers in a position, whereas previously these would have been excluded from the position dictionary on ManagedObject.
CumulocityCodec causes a correlator crash when retrieving lots of pages.
Fetching too many pages from Cumulocity IoT used to crash the correlator due to stack overflow. It is now fixed.
Correlator not able to handle long paths on Windows.
The correlator has been enhanced to support loading EPL monitor files via the YAML configuration file with paths that are longer than MAX_PATH on Windows.
Correlator deadlocks if some EPL is runnable while other EPL causes a timeout of a stop-the-world-request.
In some circumstances, a correlator request which needs to suspend contexts (such as toStringAll) but which timed out due to a long-running monitor execution could leave other contexts suspended after it times out, leading to other operations deadlocking. This issue has now been fixed.
Concurrent, first request to Prometheus endpoint caused a correlator crash.
Concurrent accesses to the /metrics endpoint on the correlator could result in a crash, and also when new /metrics statistics were first reported, they held the value zero (first access only). The risk of crashing is now removed, and the current value, of any new statistics, will be retrieved when accessed for the first time.
First Prometheus metrics request returns ...memory_bytes 0.000.
Access to new /metrics statistics would report the value zero (first access only). The current value, of any new statistics, will now be retrieved when accessed for the first time.
pip3 tries to execute Python from apama-lib-src (and does not work in Designer).
The pip command in the Python interpreter shipped with Apama was previously not functioning on Windows when executed directly, rather than as a Python module. This also caused pip not to be able to run through pydev in the Software AG Designer environment. The default pip executable has been replaced with a shell wrapper to fix this issue, which is available on the PATH in your Apama command prompt.