Apama 10.15.4 | Readme | Resolved Issues | Release
Connectivity and Adapters
Kafka Java client plug-in throws LoginException: unable to find LoginModule class.
The Kafka Java client plug-in LoginException "unable to find LoginModule class" has been fixed. It now successfully constructs consumers and producers when sasl.jaas.config is provided in the connectivity.yaml configuration file.
Cumulocity IoT Transport
Cumulocity_Rest_API.mon populates incorrect tenantId in TenantDetails for per-tenant use cases.
When deployed in a per-tenant environment, the tenantId in the ApplicationSubscribedForTenant notification was incorrectly populated with the tenantId of the bootstrap tenant instead of the current tenant. This issue has been resolved.
Cumulocity_Rest_API.mon is not scalable with a large number of tenants.
When deployed in a multi-tenant environment, Cumulocity_Rest_API.mon used to take O(n^2) space. This issue has been resolved. It now takes a linear amount of space with respect to the number of tenants.