Apama 10.15.4 | Introduction to Apama | Apama Overview | About Apama license files
About Apama license files
Software AG supplies you with an Apama license file. Refer to the licensing terms specified in your software contract for any additional legal restrictions that may be imposed on your use of Apama.
A license file is required for the full functionality of Apama. The Software AG Installer will ask for it during the installation. See License file for further information.
If you install Apama without using the Software AG Installer, you can provide the Apama license file in the following ways:
*Copy the license file to the Apama work directory (APAMA_WORK/license).
*Specify the path to the license file by setting the licenseFile element in the YAML configuration file for the correlator. See YAML configuration file for the correlator.
*Specify the path to the license file using the -l or --license command-line option when starting the correlator executable. See Starting the correlator.
It is possible to run Apama without a license file or with an expired license file. Apama behavior with regard to the Apama license file is as follows:
*When a license file cannot be found, the correlator will run with reduced capabilities. See Running Apama without a license file.
*A correlator started with a license file does not shut down immediately when its license expires. It continues operation for seven days beyond expiration. After that, the correlator shuts down. The correlator logs periodic warning messages until it reaches the end of the seven days or until you replace the expired license.
*Removing the license file from a running correlator does not cause it to shut down immediately. It continues operation for seven days after the license file is removed. After that, the correlator shuts down. The correlator logs periodic warning messages until it reaches the end of the seven days or until you restore the license.
*You can start a correlator with an expired license if it is less than seven days beyond expiration.
If you want to continue with reduced capabilities after the correlator has shut down after seven days, you have to remove the license and then restart the correlator.
If you obtain a license file after you have been running Apama, copy it to the license directory in your APAMA_WORK directory, for example: C:\Users\Public\SoftwareAG\ApamaWork_n.n\license\ApamaServerLicense.xml (where n.n stands for the current version number).
If the correlator's license has expired, you have to have obtain a new license file and copy it into the same location before the end of the above mentioned grace period. The correlator checks for an updated license file every five minutes, so the new license file is automatically picked up. The correlator does not need to be restarted in this case.
If you name the license file ApamaServerLicense.xml and put it in the license directory in APAMA_WORK, then the correlator will automatically pick up the license file. Otherwise, you must specify the path to the license file on the command line.
When you are using Apama in Cumulocity IoT, that is, the Streaming Analytics application, a valid license is automatically provisioned. See the Cumulocity IoT documentation at https://cumulocity.com/guides/apama/overview-analytics/ for more information on the Streaming Analytics application.