Apama 10.15.4 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in EPL | Using EPL Plug-ins | Using the Base64 plug-in
Using the Base64 plug-in
You can use the Base64 plug-in to encode EPL strings as Base64 or to decode Base64 strings to EPL. When decoding Base64, the encoded data must be in UTF-8 character encoding.
To use the Base64 plug-in, add the Base64 Support EPL bundle to your Apama project. For details, see Adding EPL bundles to projects or Creating and managing an Apama project from the command line.
The Base64 plug-in is provided as a Base64 event in the com.apama.util package. The Base64 event provides the following static actions:
*To convert an EPL string to Base64:
stringToBase64(string) returns string
*To convert a Base64 string to an EPL string:
base64ToString(string) returns string
The Base64 plug-in does not allow you to handle arbitrary binary data encoded in Base64. Only valid UTF-8 strings can be decoded.
For detailed information, see the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) .
Similar functionality is available with the Base64 codec connectivity plug-in. That allows arbitrary binary data from a transport to be stored in EPL in Base64 format. See The Base64 codec connectivity plug-in for detailed information.