Apama 10.15.4 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Working with IAF Plug-ins | The Integration Adapter Framework | Contents of the IAF
Contents of the IAF
The Integration Adapter Framework contains the following components:
*Core files – these include the IAF Runtime, the management tools and the libraries they require.
*Example adapters written in C and Java – this includes the complete sources of the FileTransport/JFileTransport transport layer plug-ins and the StringCodec/ JStringCodec plug-ins, sample configuration files, a file with a set of input messages, an EPL file with a sample application, and a set of reference result messages.
*A suite of development materials – these include the C/C++ header files and Java API sources required to develop transport and codec layer plug-ins for both languages. Also included is a skeleton transport and codec plug-in in C, the IAF configuration file XML Document Type Definition (DTD), a makefile for use with GNU Make on UNIX, and a ‘workspace' file for use with Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET on Microsoft Windows.